Dr. Moe Mukiibi:
Founder & Advisor
Dr. Moe grew up in Uganda, moved to Arizona where he founded ACCA, completed his Masters and Doctorate in Engineering and became a U.S Citizen. He is a well published Global Water Expert and a technology innovator. Some of his inventions are patent pending. In 2008, he was nominated for the World Health Organization-International Water Association Expert Roster. Between 2008- 2013, he received 15 Distinguished Award related to water projects he led around the world. In October 2009, he received the Water Conditioning & Purification International Magazine Award for his work on water technology and addressing the global water crisis. He also served as technical adviser for Water Conditioning and Purification (WC&P) Magazine. Throughout his career, he had the opportunity to work on a number of successful state of the art water projects in over 30 states in the United States and Worldwide. His educational credentials include three degrees in Chemistry (BSc), Engineering (MS, PhD) from the University of Arizona.

Jim Riley:
Retired with over 30 years in the defense industry utilizing engineering and computer skills on numerous projects. Jim is an active church and Bible Study member. He joined ACCA in 2009 to manage the information systems needs of the charity. In 2019 he became the ACCA President.

Jay Murray:
Vice President
Over 30 years production and human resources management experience with a variety of major international firms in health care, chemicals and natural resource development, and fourteen years as owner/operator of a real estate management company. Jay has served five years on cross-border/cross-cultural mission construction work and has participated in several short-term mission trips to Eastern Europe. He has been a member since 2006.

Vikki Kattman:
Executive Vice President
More than 40 years of sales, marketing and management in computer technology, technical staffing and cost analysis and containment for international Fortune 500 companies. Vikki recently retired and serves as a Adult Bible Study leader and women's small group Bible study teacher. She also mentors international college students on American culture, customs and assimilation into American business. She has been a board member since 2006.

Fatuma Nab:
Country Director, Uganda
Umar is responsible for operation and oversight of the educational, medical, physical, and spiritual care and support of the children.

Umar Semwogerere:
Country Advisor, Uganda
Umar is in charge of collaborating and networking with key actors within ACC to engage and work with ACC leaders in entrepreneurial programs and other relevant services provided by ACC. He fosters in-country working relationships and linkages among the ACC community other NGOs offering mentorship services, volunteerism programs and other services relevant to ACC's members;

Shaff Tebusweke:
Technical/Operations, Uganda
Shaff is a Cyber Security Specialist with a background in both Computer Science and Cyber Security. He has a Master’s degree in Cyber Security from UK and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.
With over 15 years of experience, he has led and been part of various Information Technology and Technology Security projects for President’s Office, Military, and Police Forces, and Ministry of Defense in UK as well as private companies like Vodafone Uganda, Vodacom South Africa, Vodafone Ghana, and a Dutch Bank funded mobile learning education platform to mention but a few.
He is a former Blum Fellow for University of Berkeley, California under the Smartphone Technology and Technology Security project in Health Care for East Africa, the project led to the technological innovation and transformation of healthcare system dating back from 2007 to date.
He is a former Finalists for Singularity University, California’s "East Africa Global Impact Challenge” Innovations Program, a technology disruption program that has changed lives of many and created employment opportunities across East Africa to date.

Diana Hemphill:
More than 40 years in the private business and legal sectors supporting management with secretarial and administrative skills. She was a small business owner for over 12 years. Diana provides professional computer and organizational skills for a local Christian missionary organization. She has been a board member since 2010. Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.

Ron Stenstrom:
Retired from the US Army with active duty/reserve experience in command, staff and educational roles. Ron worked 23 years in the aerospace industry with 15 years as program manager on several product lines. Currently he is teaching US history and western civilization at the local community college. Ron has a Master's Degree in History and Business Management. Ron owned and managed a small business for 13 years. He has been a board member since 2011.
Become a volunteer
Volunteering at African Children's Charities of Arizona
Volunteer opportunities at African Children’s Charities of Arizona are extremely varied and involvement can range from a few days to a few weeks or anything in between. All that we ask is that volunteers have an interest and desire in supporting the vulnerable children and their families that are at the heart of our work. You will not only gain experience working with a small NGO but also have an exciting time experiencing life in Kampala and seeing the highlights of Uganda – the ‘Pearl of Africa’.
Our goal is to create a well-rounded experience of what it’s like to work for a small organisation on the frontlines of development work. Each person has a different skill set and because of our small size we try and utilise every volunteer who walks through the door to their full potential. The skills you’ve acquired from other jobs, volunteer placements, life experiences, and educational achievements can all be used here in some capacity.